Asthma/cough/difficult breathing rescue

Difficult breathing

Something is blocking the normal in and out movement of the diaphragm.

Here are several ways – not all will help everyone.

I have put them in order that will usually work.

Give all a try and concentrate on less, not more breathing.
Whilst waiting for outside help – why not?

As an emergency – FIRST we resolve can’t breathe.
THEN we look at what triggered this.

Topical magnesium – the more of this essential mineral your can add into the skin – the faster  the suffering – the cramping, tension, distress, muscle spasms, pain and the likely tendency to fit, ‘seize’ have a heart attack and the escalating distress  will be easier. Ideally – 20 applications a day- transdermal – on the skin – magnesium products.

NOTE – I got this wrong location all through this work

Who knows when I started using the ‘wrong’ point. As a note to all – it has always done what I expected – for decades in clinic with needle sand here – in life and death emergencies – with my fingers. We do have intention – and also all along this channel of energy – massive shifts are possible as we change what the heart protector’s/major chest opening points can do.

Need to free up chest

Pc 6(Above the inside wrist crease, THREE finger widths up, and in between the tendons).

Pc 6 2      pc6THREE FINGERS UP

Not as I have here

Also seen as anti nausea point – although as opens the chest and calms anxiety/emotional distress.


Can’t take a breath out/ feeling suffocated

(This may be secondary to feeling incredibly rageful – the diaphragm is now being affected – see the Stuck Liver Qi Release below)

Ding Chuan – (on the upper back, just outside from the spine, where the large bone drops and rises when you raise and lower your head. Found a  generous thumb’s width from the central line in an adult – the person’s thumb width when a child). Press both simultaneously deeply whilst they breathe in slowly.

Ding ChuanTranslates as ‘Difficult breathing/cough’. You can press hard.  –It is easier to do it for some one else – and will induce the feeling that you can breathe in deeper.

If you are by yourself.

  • Get next to a wall.
  • Take off your watch.
  • Put had on back of neck.
  • Feel for the bone that pops up and down when you drop your head.
  • On either side of that – about a thumb’s width away from the spine – find the point.
  • Lean against the wall with the back of your hand up against the wall with all of your weight, and the points poked in with your middle and index finger.
  • Lean in harder.
  • Slow deep breath.
  • It should allow easier breath in and lessen the cough (if you have) and if the Pc 6 point has not helped.

Can’t breathe in so easily

Ki 27 – (On the front of upper chest, top of breastbone.

May be sore. Your fingers will fall into a hole on both sides where the collar bone joins.

Ki 27Anyone can press/massage firmly – if they cannot breathe in so well.

If you can’t take enough air in  may be the rage/’stress’ and also – may be that the Kidney Qi – our essential life force – is weakened.

Is actually the easiest ‘asthma’ to fix – as it ‘only’ needs us to build up our inner constitutional strength – go back to living in the moderate life our grannies would have told our parents to do.  .


Stuck Liver Qi Release


To check out what happens. . . use your own body as ‘research’

Do a perineal pull up

Take a deep breath – then

As a relaxing thing to do whilst seated – and it will assist undo the residual tension – all though the body.

Also free up all the chest – I call this chest gouging.
If you do some checkers – turn head from side to side to test range of easy movement

There is always more scope . .

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