Maternal Moods


Maternal well-being is based on many things

Practical and cultural support is crucial and seems to be missing in modern times. In times past confinement (in most cultures at least 40 days) whilst others take over her roles in the family till she and baby are in a bonded state, recovered from the transition into an easy routine, and she is healed on all levels.

Nutrients (food is medicine) needed

Please see all that is on the easybreasts site (CLICK) as women need the ingredients whether or not they are breastfeeding – the body is a constant user of nutrients and when these are missing – nothing works as designed.

Given the time to happen as designed – privacy, and all attended to – cared for – tended in calmness (best at home).

NOT – in trauma post birth/operation/massive blood loss and being  harangued about what is ‘required’. The now heartless /souless maternity services are seemingly at war with normal.  Mum being able to be a happy mama seems not an outcome considered. . NOT baby centred if  mum is not being guided easily through easy pregnancy and birthing to easy maternity.
Her encouraged to listening to her own rhythms and that of baby  as nature intended – is all that is needed.NO middle men with their hands out – this is all nature led. ,if she is expected to pick up her life as soon as she returns home from hospital, there is no space for the settling in into her new life.

WHAT TO DO – support comes in many ways – touch is one central one. My Easy Pregnancy Solutions or Easy Pregnancy Resources packages.cover the ways you can. Based on my decades of providing this care and attention through my being a wise woman’s oral traditions conduit – via my acupuncture, herbal, naturopathy,  vibrational healing practices, hands-on practical skills – now let out in these charts and resources –  and my life/clinical experience. Plus my being a mum myself for the past 44 years. .

When things are not going our way – we get ‘stressed’. In acupuncture we call this Stuck Liver Qi Loving touch will always help. This is an incredibly relieving massage technique.

There is a lot you can do to help yourself – preferably prior to getting pregnant, being a mum and finding yourself in an upset state. There is still plenty of nutrition. Find yourself a good natural therapist to take you through the life transitional stages. Prevention is best. This means – there is some much that you can look to.

Always more support and better nutrition – and abundant water . .and rest.

Sad/depressed/exhausted Is the support on all levels that is needed there for you?

maternal recipe for optimal pregnancy & birth

Enough nutrition, support at home and nesting well all will make great leaps. Having sufficient to be ‘leftover’ to make breast milk with crucial – along with rest and having the space to relax into being a new mum.

224Raw ingredients – Blood energy, magnesium,Vit B, Vit C, Vit D and great foods full of fat and nutrient dense will all help

Start with this site full of inspirational information I have collected.

Rescue points

if you are feeling depressed, not angry – just sad and empty – starting with the moxa stick (as with insufficiency of supply – so if this is also an issue – two birds, one stone).  Open up the chest. Slowly, very gently and gradually get deeper. Take large breaths and let it all go. perhaps by the relaxation MP3 – here as having a guided mediation on tensing and relaxing all may be useful if/when you are not able to sleep when you feel you should, it may well put you to sleep.


Ki 27  Press and breathe deeply.

pc6     Pc 6 2

2 fingers up from the wrist crease – about where the watch goes – in between the tendons – on both arms.
Press and breathe deeper – also pump up and down, it if you feel to.

When overly stretched, the lack of calm and peaceful (Yin depleted and a loss of Blood energy) means that inner heat builds up – look here to see how this looks /feels – and then the fire can escape upwards – and firey tempers can be to a point relieved by drinking more water, and getting more rest – how ever you can.

Angry/very loud feeling as though rage is driving you.

Stop all sugar, chocolate and alcohol/caffeine – this is driving it.
Vastly more (non chilled/not tap) water and seek external help

In the meantime – taking a B complex 4-6 times over a 24 hours period can only help – along with minerals and magnesium on the body many times daily -possibly also a magnesium bath daily.

May need to focus on pulling the energy down from the head ..

Ki 1 2    k1

YOU can undo what sets this in place .
Take a minute to discover what is possible – at home.

Easy Pregnancy Resources
Using time honoured ways
with the

Combination of your loving hands and heartfelt compassion

Find a sensible holistic women’s natural health care provider
Hopefully using Chinese herbs and acupuncture.
Any queries, please contact me