Please start reading the general pain page.
Back pain is a very generally felt condition.
What appears on these pages has been trialed extensively on 100’s of people directly and so many more internationally as this work takes off. The use of moxa and on the back and leaning forwards, after drinking water (not chilled, and pure) using a lot of topical magnesium and being well nourished will be easy to work through.
You do not have to wait till the baby is born for relief. Please listen to the pain.
It is a warning. Pain is a ‘help me’ message.
More nutrients and circulation needed.
Not an ‘adjustment’ forced upon your structure – but you healing yourself from within!
You (and a partner) can do this easily.
For more – see here.
For an easy life . . .Maybe even sign up for the short Self Care package. . .
Back pain is your body warning you that attention is urgently needed – especially get a lot more magnesium (stop the calcium supplementation for a start) and vastly more Vit D on board – get out in that sun!!!
Perhaps start here and organise yourself a faja – as this will make a huge difference – low on the hips and quite firm.
Next, find a moxa stick and get someone to use this – as demonstrated here.
Better still – the entire ‘owner’s manual at your fingertips.
Written for the partner of the pregnant woman – so she feels loved and attended to – all minor and maybe major issues easily resolved – as you take the body back to health – your understanding what is to happen and work towards perfect is why this was written.
It all works!
Up to you . . not luck
Also look to the Opening Baby Gate site
‘What Dads Can Do’ resources found here Box of moxa rolls Happy bub
OR – go to the opening the baby gate site to also purchase the charts – and maybe all the eBooks?
– Enjoy!!
Any queries, please contact me
Interestingly enough – when this is corrected – so is almost everything else!